Once your cart is complete, you’re ready to check out by selecting Export at the top right-hand corner of the main grid. A pop-up will appear with some key information.

- New contacts in the cart. These are the net new contacts that are in your cart. Please note that the system will let you export contacts more than once, but they will only count towards your credit quota the first time they are exported.
- Quota remaining. This is the number of contacts or companies you have remaining in your quota, not including the current contents in your cart.
- After checkout. This is the number of contact credits or company exports that will be remaining for use after this checkout is complete.
Depending on the contents of your cart and your previous orders you may receive some different notifications at checkout.
- Contacts in your cart already licensed. This indicates that you have contacts in your cart that you or your organization have previously exported. These won't be counted against your quota.
- Contacts are suppressed. This indicates that some of the contacts in your cart are suppressed by you or your organization. They will be removed from your cart upon checkout.
- Contacts in your cart but a remaining quota of x. This indicates the number of contacts in your cart exceeds your remaining quota. Your cart will be trimmed down to match your quota.
From here, you can choose the file type you’d like to export it and name your order. Once the file is exported, you can always access it again by navigating to Previous Orders under the Manage tab.
Once you select Checkout Now, your file will be ready for download. If you have an integration set up, your contacts will automatically sync to your CRM.