Technology Install is a valuable tool that gives insight into what companies are currently using as their technology stack. This allows you to focus marketing and sales efforts in the right direction by targeting businesses with a potential need for your solution.
To filter your search results by Technology Install, navigate to the panel on the left hand side of the screen. Here you will find all categories and sub-categories you can filter your search by. Please select Technology Install.
Type in the name of the desired tech and click SEARCH. If more than one tech is associated with the name you entered, they will be displayed in a multi-select list. Please select one or more the installations and click OK.
- You can also add a renewal date filter to your search results. This is helpful when trying to determine when a companies subscription will end with their current service provider. This is a clear indicator the company will either be looking to continue service, or be in the market for a new provider. Please note that the renewal month will only appear in your search results if you have selected that particular month. To view all renewal months in your search results, you will need to select all twelve when completing your search.
- There are over 7000 different types of Technology Installations you can use to filter your results. Leaving the field blank and clicking search will bring up a list of all Technology Install options. However, we recommend entering a keyword to narrow down your list.
- You will be provided a list of contacts you can export containing the desired tech installed at their place of business. All other contacts will be excluded from the report.
Unlike other columns on the list, the Technology Install column cannot be sorted.
*To narrow down the export list further, try combining Technology Install with other filters such as Job Level, State or Region etc.
Additional Information
- Technology Install is not currently available for customers on the Business plan. For more information on how to add this feature, please contact your Account Executive, or reach out to support for assistance.
- For Legacy customers, Technology Install is billed separately.