DemandScience Intelligence seamlessly links with your Marketo account. Why hassle with downloading a list and then uploading it to your CRM. Save yourself some time by making the process more efficient. By following these few simple steps, you will be able to import Contacts directly into Marketo.
Please note: DemandScience Intelligence account holders with Manager level capabilities can sync their exported contact data to Marketo by following these steps. Once the connection has been established, all users listed on the account will have the ability to export to Marketo.
If you were previously using the Marketo integration, you will need to clear your cache prior to following the steps below:
- Click on the Manage tab to navigate to the Subscription Manager.
- Click on Integrations to display the list of CRMs.
- Click on the Connect button to start the process.
- For information on how to clear your cache, please click on the appropriate operating system. PC or Mac.
Upon clicking Connect you will see a configuration screen for You will be able to select an existing account or add a new one.
You will need the following credentials on hand in order to authenticate your account:
API Endpoint Domain: Go to your Marketo Dashboard.
- Click on the Admin tab.
- Click on Web Services.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and copy the information to the right of ‘End Point’. Do not include/rest or /identify.
- For more information, click the link to access an article for Base URL
Client ID' and 'Client Secret: Go to your Marketo Dashboard.
- Click on Admin.
- Click on LaunchPoint
Here you may need IT intervention for the Tray integration to appear (see help articles below).
- Use this link to access the article pertaining to Custom Services
- Use this link to access the article pertaining to Authentication
3. Click on view details to copy your Client ID & Client Secret.
Now that you have obtained your API End Point Domain and your Client ID' and 'Client Secret you are ready to establish your connection. Navigate back to the connection window and click 'New authentication'. Enter your credentials and click 'Create'.
You should receive a pop-up message indicating the connection has been created successfully. Click on 'Finish' to complete the configuration.
Next, you will need to map your Contacts to Leads fields. Navigate to the Manage tab, click Integrations, and then 'Configure' under Contacts to Leads.
The next screen will look similar to the connection window. Your account name should appear. Click next to proceed.
You can choose to label all of your exports with a constant value such as "Campaign-1", and then map that value to a specific field later on. Click 'Next' to proceed.
Next you will be prompted to map DemandScience Intelligence Contact fields to Marketo fields.
You can edit existing default mapping as well as create new field mapping.
Map the Contact Fields and click 'Finish'.
Please note:
- Read only fields are mapped values locked for the purpose of duplicate checks. I.E. Email - Email Address
- All unmapped fields will appear in the 'Catch All'. You can map the DemandScience Intelligence 'Catch All' field to a Marketo Field, such as Person Notes, for visibility.
- DO NOT map DemandScience Intelligence 'Employees' Field to Marketo 'Number of Employees' field. The DemandScience Intelligence 'Employees' Field is a range treated as a TEXT field, and number of employees requires a specific number.
You are now connected and able to export records directly to Marketo using the configured workflows by following these simple steps below:
- Select your records.
- Click Export button.
- Set the type of file to download as “Sync to Marketo Leads” in the dropdown list.
- You have the option to save this order for later reference.
- Click the “Checkout Now” button.
The next time you log into your Marketo account, you will see all of the contacts you have downloaded. Please be advised, this process will not add duplicate records to Marketo if a contact in your database already exists based on the email address of the record. You will however incur a charge for the export as you are downloading information from DemandScience Intelligence. To avoid being charged for records you already own, we encourage you to use the suppression list feature, available in the Subscription Manager menu.
If you wish to break the connection at any time, click the Disconnect button. This will pop the confirmation box, asking if you are sure you wish to disconnect from Marketo.